I'll be in the land of cubic watermellons in a few weeks. Last time I was there I couldn't find any spaghetti but it looks like things have changed. Not that my mouth is exactly watering...
If you are what you eat, I'm made out of spaghetti. It's my jail food - the meal I would eat every meal for the rest of my life if I could choose what I eat in jail.
If you were being nice, you'd just call me fussy. If you were being honest, you'd say my eating habits are ridiculous. Not layering (as in things on top of each other on a sandwich or pizza), no cheese, no pigs (thanks to the movie Babe), no white things (apart from white chocolate) and generally no sauce. Part of it is about taste, the other part is about knowing what you're going to bite into next, it's a texture thing. I try not to tell all this to people when I first meet them (they think I'm a freak) but I'm telling it to you here because it explains why I'm a spaghettier. I've become a master of spaghetti because where ever I am there's one thing for sure, if spaghetti is on the menu, I'm ordering it.
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