Thursday, March 10, 2011

Another excuse to eat Coopers Shoot Tomatoes

Since our trip to Spain last May, we've been pestering our spanish friends to send us a traditional gazpacho recipe from their relatives. Rosh and Javier finally pulled through with the goods last night which coincided with our trip to the Mullum farmers markets this morning. With our beloved Coopers Shoot Tomatoes you can either get squishy souping ones or hard ones perfect for bruchetta. The gazpacho was came up really well (not that I have actually eaten it before). We used red vinegar instead of the recommended white which may have been a slight error but it was good all the same. Here's the recipe in Spanish if you fancy making it yourself.

1 Kilo de tomates (rojos y blanditos)
1 cebolla mediana
1 pepino
1 pimiento italiano
1 diente de ajo
1 vaso de vinagre
1/2 vaso de aceite de oliva
Agua (aproximadamente un litro)
Una pizca de sal
Se pelan los tomates y se trocean.
Se pica la cebolla una vez limpia y se trocea.
Se le quitan las pipas al pimiento y se trocea
Se pela el pepino y se trocea
Se pela el ajo.
Una vez limpio y troceado todo, se pone todo en un recipiente para triturarlo con la batidora y se añade el, agua, el vinagre, el aceite y la sal y se bate todo bien, hasta que quede todo liquido. Se prueba. (si esta muy fuerte se añade agua y si esta flojo se pone un poquito más de vinagre y sal).

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